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Tyler Betthauser
I am fascinated with data, visualizations, and the power these two concepts have when combined with analytics. Data is everywhere and can be leveraged in every aspect of the business: product development, quality, supply chain, manufacturing, finance, accounting, marketing—the list is nearly endless. Business Intelligence tools and data provide clues to improving operations, products, and services.
Much of my experience has been in the automotive industry—working in various capacities that exposed me to a wide variety of business functions. While my favorite roles were more engineering & quality focused, I am familiar with supply chain, manufacturing, and retail environments. Data analytics (and tools like Tableau, PowerBI, or QlikView), project management, and engineering experience placed me in unique positions to lead projects that drove enterprise wide efficiencies and improved customer satisfaction.
My vision is to develop solutions that enable customers in their pursuits of developing great products, with world-class quality, at some of the lowest costs.